Type of gate
Gate Dimensions
Small gates will result in high injection melt temperatures and pressures. Large gates
will increase the time required to seal the gate area, increasing cycle time, and can result
in non-uniform filling in multi-cavity moulds.
As a general rule. the gate area should not be less than 1.25 mm, and the maximum
diameter or thickness of the gate should not exceed one half the thickness of the part at
the gate point. Gate lands are generally about one half the gate diameter, for a circular
gate, and about 0.75 - 1.0-mm in the case of a rectangular gate.
Gate Dimensions
Small gates will result in high injection melt temperatures and pressures. Large gates
will increase the time required to seal the gate area, increasing cycle time, and can result
in non-uniform filling in multi-cavity moulds.
As a general rule. the gate area should not be less than 1.25 mm, and the maximum
diameter or thickness of the gate should not exceed one half the thickness of the part at
the gate point. Gate lands are generally about one half the gate diameter, for a circular
gate, and about 0.75 - 1.0-mm in the case of a rectangular gate.
Nice article, thanks for sharing this informative article with us. Injection Molding Company